Since 1913, when the first case of monocytic leukemia was reported by Reschad and Schilling-Torgau, more than one hundred cases have been described. The majority of these reports have appeared since the publication of the excellent reviews of Dameshek and Clough. It is the purpose in this paper to summarize the essential data from the literature, to report 6 more cases and to discuss the origin of the monocyte as deduced from a study of blood smears in 32 cases1 and of the sternal marrow in 4 of these. REPORT OF CASES Case 1. —A. S., a school girl 7 years of age, was first seen on Jan. 30, 1934, complaining of swelling of the jaw and an itching rash. She was well until January 17, when a painless swelling of the gums and left submaxillary region and an itching rash were noted. A dentist was consulted, and he