Agglutination of Blastospores of Candida albicans by Concanavalin A and its Relationship with the Distribution of Mannan Polymers and the Ultrastructure of the Cell Wall
Summary: Blastospores of Candida albicans were readily agglutinated by Concanavalin A (Con A) owing to the specific binding of this lectin to the mannan receptors of the cell surface. When mannan was extracted from the cell wall by neutral buffers, alkali and acid, the agglutination was decreased or lost depending on the degree of extraction. A relatively mild alkali treatment was sufficient to derange the multilayered wall organization and transform it into a uniform, medium-density structure having about the same thickness as the untreated wall. After a more drastic extraction, all the electron-dense components of the wall were lost, the residual, alkali-insoluble wall fabric being completely electron-transparent and of about the same thickness as the inner wall region of untreated cells.