Hole motion in thet-Jand Hubbard models: Effect of a next-nearest-neighbor hopping

Using exact diagonalization techniques, we study one dynamical hole in the two-dimensional t-J and Hubbard models on a square lattice including a next-nearest-neighbor hopping t’. We present the phase diagram in the parameter space (J/t,t’/t), discussing the ground-state properties of the hole. At J=0, a crossing of levels exists at some value of t’ separating a ferromagnetic from an antiferromagnetic ground state. For nonzero J, at least four different regions appear where the system behaves like an antiferromagnet or a (not fully saturated) ferromagnet. We study the quasiparticle behavior of the hole, showing that for small values of ‖t’‖ the previously presented string picture is still valid. We also find that, for a realistic set of parameters derived from the Cu-O Hamiltonian, the hole has momentum (π/2,π/2), suggesting an enhancement of the p-wave superconducting mode due to the second-neighbor interactions in the spin-bag picture. Results for the t-t’-U model are also discussed with conclusions similar to those of the t-t’-J model. In general we found that t’=0 is not a singular point of these models.