Three-Quark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD

The static three-quark ( 3Q) potential is studied in SU(3) lattice QCD with 123×24 and β=5.7 at the quenched level. From the 3Q Wilson loop, 3Q ground-state potential V3Q is extracted using the smearing technique for ground-state enhancement. With accuracy better than a few percent, V3Q is well described by a sum of a constant, the two-body Coulomb term, and the three-body linear confinement term σ3QLmin, with Lmin the minimal value of total length of color flux tubes linking the three quarks. Comparing with the QQ¯ potential, we find a universal feature of the string tension, σ3QσQQ¯, and the OGE result for Coulomb coefficients, A3Q12AQQ¯.