The radiations associated with the β decay of 25-min Am246 and the electron-capture decay of 1.8-day Bk246 have been studied with γ-scintillation spectrometers, Ge(Li) detectors, and a Au-surface-barrier electron detector. Conversion-electron lines of the more intense Cm246 transitions have been observed and tentative multipole orders have been assigned. A decay scheme is presented on the basis of γ-ray energy and intensity data, γγ coincidence studies, and conversion-electron measurements. The Cm246 level diagram includes excited states at 43, 142, 843, 878, 1078, 1106 1126 (doublet), 1318, 1352, 1369, 1483, 1531, 1598, 1643, ≥1668, and ≥1739 keV. The levels at 843, 878, 1078, 1106, and 1126 (doublet) keV are all directly populated by both 25-min Am246 and 1.8-day Bk246. The 1126-keV doublet level consists of the I=3 rotational member of a Kπ=1 band based at 1078 keV and a 2+ state that de-excites by essentially pure E2 transitions to the 0+ and 2+ members of the ground-state band. Consideration of the electron-capture decay information and available Nilsson orbitals leads to a spin and parity assignment of 2 for 1.8-day Bk246. The present work is in agreement with the previous 2+ assignment for 25-min Am246.

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