Ultrastructural cytochemistry of oxytalan fibres in monkey periodontal ligaments with the high iron diamine method

Monkey periodontal ligaments have been examined at the ultrastructural level to demonstrate the nature of reactive sites in oxytalan fibres. The high iron diamine (HID) and HID-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate methods specific for sulphate groups, with and without prior oxidation with monopersulphate, were used. Oxytalan fibres were composed of bundles of microfibrils with a diameter of 11.5 ± 1.7 nm (mean ±s.d.,n = 50). In cross section the microfibrils were found to have a denser periphery, giving them a ‘tubular’ appearance. The oxytalan microfibrils of non-oxidized specimens showed little reactivity with either HID method, except that the extracellular matrix material in close association with collagen fibrils stained weakly; in oxidized specimens, both HID methods strongly stained oxytalan microfibrils and weakly stained the extracellular matrix material. Such reactivity of oxytalan microfibrils was not altered by digestion with testicular hyaluronidase or chondroitinase ABC, performed prior to or after persulphate oxidation. Further, the sequential thiosulphation and HID method for the demonstration of disulphide and sulphhydryl groups stained oxytalan fibres moderately. These results indicate that the oxidative generation of sulphate groups in oxytalan fibres may occur from either disulphide or sulphhydryl groups, or both, rather than the result of unmasking of sulphated glycosaminoglycans.