Intrinsic Tensor Permeabilities on Ferrite Rods, Spheres, and Disks

A discussion is given of the transformation relations between the measured permeability components and the values intrinsic to the material which then do not involve the sample shape. General theoretical curves are given showing the measured permeabilities μ + K through resonance for rods and spheres deduced from the intrinsic permeability curves, μ+K, which is taken to have a Landau-Lifshitz shape. Complete data are given on the four measured and intrinsic tensor permeability components through magnetic resonance for small rods, spheres, and disks of a polycrystalline magnesium-manganese ferrite. The general shape of the intrinsic curves is explained by considering the distribution of the crystallite orientation directions and the solid angles associated with these directions. The line width is of the order of magnitude to be expected by published data on other ferrite single crystals.