In European starlings, as in many other birds inhabiting higher latitudes, gonads develop in response to the increasing daylengths in early spring. Later in the year, however, the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis becomes refractory to the previously stimulatory long photoperiods and the gonads regress in summer. The present study addresses the question of when during the gonadal growth phase photorefractoriness is determined. A 13-h photoperiod induces testicular development and subsequent testicular regression associated with refractoriness in male starlings. An 11-h photoperiod, in contrast, induces only testicular development, and photorefractoriness never develops. When starlings were transferred to an 11-h photoperiod, either 12 or 25 days following exposure to a 13-h photoperiod, their testes developed to full size, but remained large to the end of the experiment, i.e. refractoriness did not develop. The same was even true of most birds in a third group that were transferred to an 11-h photoperiod after 46 days of the 13-h photoperiod, when gonads had developed to near maximal size. These data show that, in contrast to some other species of passerine birds, the onset of photorefractoriness does not become fixed before the testes have undergone considerable development, and that the photoperiodic conditions experienced at the end of the testicular growth phase are still effective in determining the precise time of onset of photorefractoriness. It is suggested that this peculiarity of the starling is related to the fact that its gonadal development begins rather early in spring and, hence, under much shorter photoperiods than the other species studied.

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