Stem growth, flower formation, and endogenous gibberellins in a normal and a dwarf strain of Silene armeria

The physiological basis of dwarfism in a single-gene, recessive mutant of Silene armeria L. was investigated through comparison with a normal strain. Exposure of the normal strain to long days led to stem growth and flower formation while similar exposure of the dwarf strain led only to flowering, with very little stem growth. Application of gibberellin A3 or A4+7 in short days promoted stem elongation in the normal strain, but had a much lesser effect in the dwarf strain. Upon extraction and chromatographic fractionation of the endogenous gibberellins (GAs) in the normal strain of S. armeria, three zones of GA activity were found. An increase in one zone of activity was found in both strains after 1 long day. Neither the quality nor the quantity of the extractable GAs differed greatly between the dwarf and the normal strain. Vegetative dwarf scions, grafted onto fully induced, normal stocks formed flowers, but their growth habit was not changed. Thus, the lack of stem growth in response to long days in the dwarf strain appears to result from a lack of GA sensitivity in the stem tissue of these plants. However, during flower formation dwarf plants did exhibit elongation of the peduncles. This response was suppressed by the growth retardant 2-isopropyl-4-dimethylamino-5-methylphenyl-1-piperidine-carboxylate methyl chloride (AMO-1618), and applied GA3 could partially overcome this inhibition. Thus, peduncle elongation in the dwarf strain appears to be regulated by endogenous GAs.