Prenatal diagnosis of Fraser syndrome at 18.5 weeks gestation, with autopsy findings at 19 weeks

Sonography permitted the diagnosis of Fraser syndrome (cryptophthalmos‐syndactyly syndrome) at 18.5 weeks of gestation in a fetus whose parents had had a previous affected child. The karyotype of that child was 46,XX,inv(9)(p11q21); the karyotype of the phenotypically normal father and of the fetus was 46,XY,inv(9)(p11q21). Findings on sonography included oligohydramnios with nonvisualization of kidneys, hypertelorism and microphthalmia, and markedly enlarged lungs. On autopsy at 19 weeks, findings included renal agenesis, cryptophthalmos with multiple abnormalities of the eyes and ocular adnexa, laryngeal atresia, pulmonary hyperplasia with accelerated maturation, absence of the Eustachian tube with connective tissue occuying the tympanic cavity and bone occluding the external acoustic meatus, and soft‐tissue webbing between the digits. This is the second reported instance of prenatal diagnosis of Fraser syndrome in the second trimester. The histopathologic findings in Fraser syndrome at this gestational age, in particular the eye and ear, have not been described previously.