A horseradish peroxidase study of the rubral and cortical afferents to the lateral reticular nucleus in the rat

The origin and organization of supraspinal afferents to the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) in the rat were studied by means of the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP was deposited into the LRN via both dorsal (stereotaxic) and ventral (microsurgical) routes. The entire cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum were surveyed for retrogradely labelled neurons. Significant projections arose from the contralateral red nucleus and the contralateral frontoparietal cortex. The rubral projection arose from neurons in the caudal two-thirds of the red nucleus. Ventrally and ventrolaterally located neurons projected to rostrolateral LRN, while dorsal and dorsomedial neurons projected to rostromedial LRN. The projection from the cerebral cortex arose from neurons located in layer V of the frontoparietal region. Rubral and cerebrocortical projections overlap in the rostral LRN, making this region of the nucleus a site of integration of descending inputs with ascending spinal signals.

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