Attention has recently been drawn to the apparently successful treatment of a case of cyanide poisoning by the use of a 1 per cent methylene blue solution in water, injected intravenously.1 REPORT OF CASES Case 2. —H. L., a white man, aged about 25, swallowed two number 0 capsules of potassium cyanide in an attempt at suicide; he stated this fact to an official of the Y. M. C. A. in the lobby of that organization's hotel and immediately collapsed. A call was placed with the Central Emergency Hospital for an ambulance. These events occurred between 4: 35 and 4: 40 p. m., May 18, 1933. The patient was brought into the Central Emergency Hospital and placed on the table in the treatment room at 4:45 p. m., in an unconscious state, marked cyanosis, body rigid, with clonic spasm of the voluntary musculature, pupils dilated and inactive to light,