Long-term survival and late relapses in acute leukaemia in adults

34 out of 403 apparently unselected adult patients with acute leukaemia referred to a single department from 1970 through 1989 survived more than 3 years. The cumulative rate of relapse after 3 years was 39% in patients with acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML) and 74% in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). The latest relapse was observed 75 months after diagnosis in AML and 98 months after diagonsis in ALL. 65% of the long-term survivors were able to undertake normal physical activity, 26% had decreased activity, and 9% were unable to work. 5-year survival for all patients, whether treated or not, during two successive decades was 16% versus 18% and 5% versus 6%, respectively, for ALL and AML. The departmental results were identical with population-based national results. Only in patients 15-49 years of age with AML was there evidence that more intensive treatment had led to better survival.