Partial rupture of the patellar ligament

Partial rupture of the patellar ligament, also known as jumper's knee, is defined as a repetitive overload lesion at the bone-ligament junction at the lower patellar pole. It is found mainly in athletes and is caused either by microruptures or partial macroruptures of the proximal part of the ligament. The abnormal anatomical lesion is focal degeneration, microruptures and macroruptures, and devitalized tissue at the insertion of the patellar ligament. Proliferation and neovascularization are often found, as well as degeneration and incomplete tissue healing. Surgical treatment is indicated only if a pro longed and well-supervised conservative treatment pro gram fails. We operated on 78 patients with jumper's knee, by carefully removing the abnormal tissue from the ligament. At follow-up examination, 71 of 78 pa tients had excellent or good functional results and complete resumption of sports activities. Objective measurements of thigh muscle strength using a Cybex II dynamometer correlated with the functional results at a low angular velocity.

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