Several phospholipases are secreted into the culture medium by growing yeast cells of Candida albicans 3125. DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography of concentrated culture filtrate revealed three separable fractions with phospholipase activities. Analysis of products of hydrolysis showed that the enzyme activities were lysophospholipase, lysophospholipase-transacylase and a phospholipase B. Candida albicans (Stamm 3125) sezerniert verschiedene Phospholipasen in das Kulturmedium. Mittels Saeulenchromatografie (DéAE-Sephadex) koennen 3 Fraktionen nachgewiesen werden, im Einzellnen handelt es sich um Lysophospholipase, Lysophospholipase-Transacylase und Phospholipase B.