Muscle Dysplasia in Megaureters

We have previously reported the relevance of muscle dysplasia to the nonreflux megaureter. On electron microscopy, muscle cells which are scattered in large amounts of connective tissue without any bundle formation are found to be deficient in myosin filaments, which, with actin filaments, are believed to be an essential contractile unit of smooth muscle. Investigations of these dysplastic features of the ureter were extended to various other congenital disorders of the ureter experienced in our institution from 1963 to 198L Muscle dysplasia was found in 8 of 34 cases of nonreflux megaureter, in 1 of 22 cases of reflux megaureter, in 4 of 23 cases of ectopic ureter of single system, in 4 of 9 cases of ectopic ureter of duplex system, 0 of 4 cases of the ureter of meterocele of single