On Anomalous Resistance due to Cross-Field Electron-Ion Streaming Instabilities

There are important features of the nonlinear development of the electron cyclotron drift instability which have not been considered by M. Lampe, W. M. Manheimer, J. B. McBride, and J. H. Orens [Phys. Fluids 15, 2356 (1972)]. In contrast with Lampe et al. it is maintained that in the nonlinear growth phase in a weak magnetic field, many properties of the waves are unlike those of the magnetic field free ion‐acoustic instability and that coherent electron trapping explains the dependence of the nonlinear properties on magnetic field strength. On the other hand, it now appears that Lampe et al. agree that this instability leads to a large effective collision frequency associated with sustained electron heating and a high level of turbulence. Details of the areas of agreement and disagreement are given along with a more detailed discussion of the nonlinear electron behavior.