Identification of Two Prion Protein Regions That Modify Scrapie Incubation Time

A series of prion transmission experiments was performed in transgenic (Tg) mice expressing either wild-type, chimeric, or truncated prion protein (PrP) molecules. Following inoculation with Rocky Mountain Laboratory (RML) murine prions, scrapie incubation times for Tg(MoPrP)4053, Tg(MHM2)294/Prnp 0/0 , and Tg(MoPrP,Δ23–88)9949/Prnp 0/0 mice were ∼50, 120, and 160 days, respectively. Similar scrapie incubation times were obtained after inoculation of these lines of Tg mice with either MHM2(MHM2(RML)) or MoPrP(Δ23–88)(RML) prions, excluding the possibility that sequence-dependent transmission barriers could account for the observed differences. Tg(MHM2)294/Prnp 0/0 mice displayed prolonged scrapie incubation times with four different strains of murine prions. These data provide evidence that the N terminus of MoPrP and the chimeric region of MHM2 PrP (residues 108 through 111) both influence the inherent efficiency of prion propagation.