Radiation torque on a sphere caused by a circularly-polarized electromagnetic wave

The cross sections associated with absorption, scattering, extinction, and radiation pressure for homogenous isotropic spheres illuminated by plane waves are well known. We derive a new fundamental cross section, namely, the one which gives the time-averaged torque caused by circularly-polarized illumination. Consider a z-directed wave with pure circular polarization corresponding to a positive value for the z projection of the photon spin. Formulation of the Maxwell stress dyad of the total (incident + scattered) field gives the following torque relative to the sphere's center, Γz=ILπα2Qabsω. Here IL and ω are the incident wave's irradiance and angular frequency and α and Qabs are the sphere's radius and Mie-theoretic absorption efficiency. Consequently the effective cross section for torque is the same as that for energy absorption πα2Qabs as might be expected since the scattered radiation is shown to have the same ratio of z component of angular momentum to energy as the incident wave. This result is rigorous for stationary isotropic spheres in vacuo. It may be used to estimate the steady-state angular velocity ωsz of a sphere in a gas which is achieved when Γz is balanced by the viscous-drag torque. A Rayleigh-scattering approximation for Qabs, which should be useful for small spheres, gives ωszILMgMMηc(M2+2) where the sphere's refractive index is M+iM relative to that of the gas Mg, η is the viscosity of the gas, and c is the speed of light. The radiation torque caused by elliptically-polarized illumination and the torque on stratified spheres are also discussed.