Mapping of the mouse hyh gene to a YAC/BAC contig on proximal Chromosome 7

Mice that are homozygous for the autosomal recessive hydrocephaly with hop gait (hyh) mutation on Chromosome (Chr) 7 have congenital hydrocephalus characterized by an interhemispheric cyst arising from the third ventricle and agenesis of the corpus callosum. Analysis of more than 500 backcross and intercross progeny maps the hyh locus to proximal Chr 7, approximately 13 cM centromeric to its originally reported map position. Analysis of recombinants at several MIT microsatellite markers localized the hyh locus between D7Mit75 and D7Mit56. Development of several new SSLP markers allowed us to refine the hyh candidate interval to a region defined by the cone-rod homeobox (Crx) gene proximally and D7Mit56 distally. A contig of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones spanning this entire region has been developed, and a number of potential candidate genes for hyh within this interval have been identified. Gene content is conserved between this region of mouse Chr 7 and human Chr 19q13.3. Physical mapping of the regions around D7Mit75 and D7Mit56 has also determined the order of a number of MIT markers that remain unresolved on the Mouse Genome Database (MGD) map. Our physical map and transcript map may be useful for positional cloning of genes in this unusually gene-rich region of the genome.

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