Comparative studies of chemotherapy of human tumor cells in vitro by tritiated thymidine uptake inhibition and soft agar clonogenic assay

A rapid nonsterile short‐term assay has been investigated in which percent inhibition of incorporation of the DNA precursor (3H)‐thymidine is measured following exposure of tumor cells to the test drugs. To evaluate the usefulness of the short‐term assay in providing a rapid reliable assessment of chemotherapeutic response, the short‐term assay was compared with the soft agar clonogenic assay. Sensitivity to five anticancer drugs was compared using three human tumor cell lines (epidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity, pancreatic carcinoma, and bladder carcinoma). The short‐term assay produced results that were similar to results of the clonogenic assay in two of the three tumors tested, for three drugs (cis‐platin, doxo‐rubicin, and BCNU), but did not detect responses to two antimetabolites (5‐FU and MTX) in any tumor. Further studies of this short‐term assay should focus on alkylating agents and other nonantimetabolites.