In(1)Bruck introduced the notion of a difference set in a finite group. LetGbe a finite group ofvelements and let D = {di},i= 1, . . . ,kbe ak-subset ofGsuch that in the set of differences {di-1dj} each element ≠ 1 inGappears exactly λ times, where 0 < λ <k<v— 1. When this occurs we say that (G,D) is av,k,λ group difference set. Bruck showed that this situation is equivalent to the one where the differences {didj-1} are considered instead, and that av,k, λ group difference set is equivalent to a transitivev,k,λconfiguration, i.e., av,k,λconfiguration which has a collineation group which is transitive and regular on the elements (points) and on the blocks (lines) of the configuration. Among the parametersv,kandλ, then, we have the relation shown by Ryser(5)

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