Charged Higgs bosons at the Superconducting Super Collider

We study techniques for discovering at the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) a charged Higgs boson of a two-doublet Higgs sector in the decay tH+b, for a variety of top-quark and charged-Higgs-boson masses. tt¯ events are selected by demanding a high-pT lepton and a tagged b jet. One technique is to search for an excess of τ leptons from H+ decays. For tanβv2v10.5, this technique is usually viable, even for a fraction of the expected SSC yearly luminosity (depending upon mt and mH+). Techniques for approximately determining the H+ mass in this mode are discussed. We also demonstrate that for 0.1tanβ1.5 a peak in the two-jet mass distribution resulting from H+cs¯ can be found, and a precise H+ mass determination is possible even in a fraction of an SSC year, provided B(tH+b) is not too small.