Indole carboxylic acid in zinc-deficient radish shoots

Van Urk-Salkowsky's reactive spots were detected on a two dimensional thin layer chromatogram of the acidic fraction from zinc deficient radish shoots. A yellowish and dominant spot gave the same R f value and color reaction as those of the authentic carboxylic acid (ICA). For further identification of ICA in the zinc-deficient radish shoots, GC-MS was employed. The fraction of the methylated final extract, which appeared as a peak on the gas chromatogram at the same retention time as that of the methylated authentic ICA showed high peaks at 175, 144, and 116 m/e. Mass spectra of the methylated authentic ICA revealed the presence of peaks at 175, 144, and 116 m/e. These results suggest that ICA was present in the zinc deficient radish shoots. The amount of ICA in the zinc deficient and control radish shoots were 32 and 1.4 μg/100 g F.W., respectively.