Experimental Studies on the Electrical Conductivity of Two Re-entrant Nematogens

Restricted Access. Paper presented at the 8th international conference on liquid crystals held at Kyoto in 1980.The principal electrical conductivities b.sigmapar and b.sigmabottom have been studied as functions of temperature in the nematic, smectic A and re-entrant nematic phases of a pure compound, 4-cyanophenyl-3'- methyl-r)4'-n-dodecylbenzoyloxy)benzoate, and a 35.8/64.2 weight mixture of 6 OCB and 8 OCB. In both cases, the ratio R(= b.sigmapar/b.sigmabottom) in the smectic phase exhibits a marked pretransitional increase on aproaching the re-entarant nematic phase