In Vivo Biological Effects of Various Forms of Thrombopoietin in a Murine Model of Transient Pancytopenia

Thrombopoietin (TPO) is the natural regulator of platelet production in the bone marrow of mammals. This cytokine also seems to play an important role in the development of the erythroid lineage when recovering from anemic conditions. Here we study the effects of various TPO molecules on the recovery of hematopoietic lineages in a mouse model of pancytopenia. Based on previous animal experimentation and clinical experience with other hematopoietic cytokines, we found that daily dosing with TPO augmented the recovery of both the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages in a mouse model of pancytopenia. However, further experiments showed that no benefit was gained by using more than a single dose of recombinant murine (rm)TPO(335) given 24 h after the initiation of the myelosuppressive treatment. This response to a single dose of rmTPO(335) is dose-dependent. However, the response was attenuated when a truncated, short half-life TPO molecule (rmTPO[153]) was used. Increasing the half-life of the molecule with 10 kDa polyethylene glycol (PEG) does not improve the response. Only when larger PEG molecules (20 kDa or 40 kDa) are linked to the rmTPO(153) is the response to single doses restored to the level of the full-length molecule. These data suggest that, unlike our experience with other cytokines, the commitment of progenitors to a megakaryocyte cell line is accomplished by a single short exposure to TPO.