The heart wall of Hemilamprops rosea and Leucon nasica is innervated and consists of a single‐layered epicardium and a single‐layered myocardium. Their heart ultrastructure does not differ. Large lipid‐containing cells are found in the heart lumen. The membrane systems conform to the typical eumalacostracan condition, with the isopods as the only exception. The transverse tubular system at the Z‐ and H‐levels is connected by longitudinal tubules. The sarcoplasmic reticulum, which forms a fenestrated sheath around the myofibrils, is continuous across the Z‐band and modified at the H‐level only. The interior and peripheral couplings are located at the H‐level. The posterior and anterior aorta lack contractile material. The aorta valves are bicuspid.