CT/X is an X-ray computed tomographic scanner system designed for research in the clinical applications of rapid sequence scanning. The minimum scan time is 1.5 s, and up to 18 images of the same cross section can be derived from scans taken over a 30 s time interval. With this high image rate, the transit of a bolus of iodinated contrast medium can be followed through any cross section of the human body. Rapid sequence scanning through a series of contiguous levels can also be performed, and 12 levels can be scanned in less than 50 s. The short aggregate scan period minimizes the likelihood of interslice patient motion resulting in high quality multiplanar images. To fully exploit this capability, an imaging facility capable of reformatting axial transverse display data into a plane of arbitrary orientation was incorporated into the system. A computer ECG interface is also provided for use in retrospective cardiac gating. The capabilities of the scanner are illustrated with selected clinical studies.