Resonant transition rates for charge transfer between diatomic molecular ions and simple metals

We provide a parameter-free perturbation treatment of the resonant electronic coupling between a simple diatomic molecule (H2) and a jelliumlike metal surface [Al(110)]. Assuming the unperturbed molecular and metallic states to be orthogonal (which is a good approximation), the matrix element simplifies to the form 〈ψf‖H‖ψi〉, where ψf is the neutral free-molecule final state, ψi the product of the unperturbed metallic and molecular-ion wave functions, and H the Coulomb interaction of the metal electron with the nuclei and electron in H2 +. Using scaled linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals H2 +, scaled Heitler-London H2, and jellium wave functions, this matrix element, including its spin dependence, is evaluated. With use of the golden-rule expression, the transition rates for charge transfer to the H2 X 1 Σg+ and b 3 Σu+ states are calculated. The dependence of these transition rates on molecule-axis orientation, distance from the surface, resonance energy, and internuclear separation, is investigated.

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