Use of the AS800 Device in Exstrophy and Epispadias

Urinary continence is one of the more difficult goals to achieve in patients with exstrophy or epispadias. The artificial genitourinary sphincter provides an alternative to reconstruction of the bladder neck for management of this problem. Although excellent continence can be obtained with bladder neck reconstruction, results of a second procedure of this type seldom are reported. We used the AS800 device in 16 patients with exstrophy and epispadias, 13 of whom had undergone a prior bladder neck operation. We defined our results as total success and continence success, and have achieved over-all rates of 69 per cent (excludes those awaiting revision) and 90 per cent (those with an active device), respectively. Although the frequency of revision and erosion was significant, the ultimate outcome in this difficult patient group was satisfactory.