Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Free Radicals byin vivoBCM (Blood Circulation Monitoring)-ESR Method

In pharmacokinetic studies, a variety of analytical method including radioisotopic detection and HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) has been used. In the present investigation, we developed in vivo BCM (Blood Circulation Monitoring)-ESR method, which is a new technique with a conventional X-band ESR spectrometer for observing stable free radicals in the circulating blood of living rats under anaesthesia. Both 5–(PROXYL derivatives) and 6–(TEMPO derivatives) membered nitroxide spin probes with various types of substituent functional group were used. After physicochemical properties of the spin probes such as hyperfine coupling constant (A-value), g-value and partition coefficient as well as chemical stability of the compounds in the fresh blood were obtained, the in vivo BCM-ESR method was performed in normal rats. Several pharmacokinetic parameters such as half-life of the probes, distribution volume, total body clearance and mean residence time were obtained and discussed in terms of their chemical structures. In addition, clearance of a spin probe was related to the urine concentration. The BCM-ESR method was found to be very useful to observe free radicals at the real time. By time-dependent ESR signal decay of spin probes, pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained.