Feature matching for automatic generation of distortionless digital orthophoto

The conventional method of automatic orthophoto generation, based on utilizing existing DTM, is essentially incapable of yielding distortionless rectification of the 3-D surface objects, especially in the case of large-scale man-built environments. Outlining the proposed alternative method of orthophoto generation, we concentrate on the incorporation of feature stereo matching technique, based on a multi-primitive hierarchical approach. First, feature hierarchy, consisting of line segments, parallel segments, vertices, edges, edge contours, and close polygons, is generated simultaneously in two images. This allows, by applying rigorous geometric constraints, to reduce significantly the number of generated spurious features, increasing therefore the efficiency and the reliability of the grouping process as well as those of the following matching procedure. A top-down matching algorithm, utilizing the maximal clique technique, propagates matching results through the hierarchy levels, employing various hierarchical and topological relationships established between the features.

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