Niacin and niacinamide, injected intramusc. into fasted rabbits, with or without glucose, caused a distinct rise in blood sugar in each case, reaching a max. about 1 hr. after injn. At this time the avg. niacin content of the blood was also found to be max. These effects are similar to that of epinephrine on blood sugar and it was found that the epinephrine content of blood of these rabbits at the period when its niacin content was high, was also max. It is concluded that niacin or its amide on intramusc. injn. provokes the secretion of epinephrine. It produces thereby hyperglycemia which is also very intense when the avg. niacin content is of high value and is responsible for the action of such niacinized blood on heart beats, blood vessels and blood pressure.

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