Exploratory Scrototomy in 168 Azoospermic Males

In 168 azoospermic males with normal or only slightly raised serum FSH levels, serum antisperm antibodies were measured, and the site of obstruction or the nature of the failure of spermatogenesis was defined by exploratory scrototomy with inspection of epididymes, vasography and testicular biopsy. When possible, surgical reconstruction was done by side-to-side epididymovasostomy, with vasovasostomy when necessary using 6/0 Prolene and no splints. Acquired blocks of cauda epididymis (34 cases) and vas (23 cases) were significantly more commonly associated with serum antisperm antibodies than congenital bilateral absence of vasa (29 cases) or blocks at the caput epididymis (48 cases), most of which were associated with sinusitis, bronchitis or bronchiectasis (Young's syndrome). Many of the former patients came from abroad, whereas most of the latter came from the British Isles. Sperm counts of 10 million per ml or more were produced by 23 (45%) of 51 adequately followed up patients with acquired blocks following surgical reconstruction, and 11 pregnancies (21.5%) were produced. Amongst those with spermatozoa in the ejaculate after surgery, serum antisperm antibodies were found significantly less often in those whose wives became pregnant compared with those who failed to produce pregnancies. It is concluded that failure of surgical treatment in some of these cases may have an immunological basis. No success was achieved with other groups.