Photoexcitation mechanisms and photofission cross section for Bi by 100300 MeV quasi-monochromatic photons

The photofission cross section of natural Bi was measured in the energy range 100300 MeV by means of a quasi-monochromatic photon beam. The nuclear fissility Pf was calculated using the recently measured total photoabsorption cross sections. A discussion on the dependence of fissility from the excitation energy Ex shows that a linear dependence of lnPf vs Ex1/2 can hardly be assumed over all the considered energy range. The analysis of the data confirms this consideration and shows an evident saturation effect at high excitation energy. As a consequence, in disagreement with recent interpretations, inferring that the modified quasi-deuteron model is the only efficient mechanism in inducing fission of Bi is less compelling, and also the pion photoproduction excitation mechanism plays a role.