The level of resistance to infection with P. chabaudi is genetically controlled. A single dominant gene is responsible for the variation in host resistance to malaria between susceptible A/J- and resistant C57BL-derived mice. In the present study, recombinant inbred strain analysis was performed with AXB/BXA recombinant inbred strains derived from A/J and C57BL/6 progenitors. Typing of 17 AXB/BXA recombinant inbred strains confirmed the unigenic control of inheritance in this particular strain combination and demonstrated genetic linkage between the traits of resistance (defined as a prolonged survival and a low peak parasitemia) and the magnitude of splenomegaly. The influence of sex on the course of infection, which was previously reported in the examination of segregating populations was again demonstrated in the survey of RI strains.