Evaluation of Antibiotics in the Control of Pustular Acne Vulgaris

It has been apparent since the publication of Andrews1 that oral antibiotics are of value in controlling pustular acne. This was further substantiated by Noojin,2 Robinson,3 Belisario,4 Hurst,5 and others. Still unsettled are the problems of which is most efficacious, is best tolerated, and what is the minimal effective dosage. Many newer antibiotics are alleged to be as curative and less toxic. Reports6 are increasing that many bacteria are becoming resistant to penicillin and other anti-infectious agents. Our intention is to evaluate some of the recently accepted antibiotics and to correlate the in vitro sensitivity of organisms obtained from patients with pustular acne with their therapeutic response. Cultures were made at random on 87 patients. The organisms obtained were the same as previously reported,7 namely, Micrococus pyogenes, varieties albus and aureus, hemolytic and nonhemolytic, in 81 cases; no growth