Effect of plant spacing and soil application of aldicarb on nitrogen fixation by spring-sown field beans (Vicia faba L.)

Summary: Vicia faba cv. Minden was precision planted at densities of 12–100 plants/m2 in 1977 and 30–60 plants/m2 in 1978 with and without seed-bed applications of aldicarb (10 kg/ha).Nitrogenase activity per plant decreased significantly with increased plant density but this was compensated for on an area basis by increased numbers of plants. When expressed on the basis of area, nitrogenase activity was higher with closely, than with widely spaced plants both early and late in the season. Irrespective of planting density nitrogenase activity reached a peak during vegetative growth of the plant and a second peak during rapid pod and seed development. In 1977 the second peak was interrupted by very dry soil conditions but later activity increased following rain.Aldicarb consistently increased nitrogenase activity at all harvests after Sitona damage to the nodules was evident. Over this period plots treated with aldicarb had twice the nitrogenase activity of untreated plots in 1977 and 55% more in 1978.