Bound Eigenstates of the Static Screened Coulomb Potential

Accurate numerical solutions have been obtained for Schrödinger's equation for a two-particle system interacting through a static screened Coulomb potential (SSCP) V(r)=Ze2erDr. The numerical integration of the wave equation uses a one-dimensional difference method which is simple, accurate, and efficient. Solutions have been computed for 45 eigenstates, 1s through n=9, l=8, yielding the eigenfunctions and energy eigenvalues for a wide range of D, the screening length which characterizes the range of the interaction. Under screening, all energy levels are shifted away from their unscreened values toward the continuum, the energy increasing as D decreases. For each n, l eigenstate, there is a finite value of the screening length D0(n, l), for which the energy becomes zero. The value of D0 for the ground state of a two-particle bound system in a potential of this type, such as the Debye or Yukawa potential, is 0.83991 a0Z in agreement with certain previous studies. The total number of different energy levels is finite for any finite D, and is approximately linearly dependent on D. The number of bound s states g* is given by the relation (g*)2=1.2677 DZa0. For given n, the l degeneracy is destroyed, lowest l levels lying lowest in energy. At sufficiently high n, this behavior results in level crossing, high l levels of eigenstate n having higher energies than low l levels of eigenstate n+1. This produces increasingly complex deviations of the level order from the unscreened order, commencing with the 5s4f cross-over. Because of the displacement of high n states into the continuum, the density of states in the SSCP for any finite D is lower than in the unscreened potential, especially near the continuum.