THIS CASE was first reported by me1 in 1921, three years after treatment. The patient, at the age of 17 months, was referred to me on Nov. 22, 1917, by Dr. John Kerrigan. On Nov. 24 the right eye was removed by him and sent to me for pathological examination. I found it three-fourths filled with a retinoblastoma, containing many rosettes. The tumor had not involved the optic nerve or choroid. On May 2, 1918, the patient was again referred to me by Dr. Kerrigan. I now found in the retina of the left eye in the lower outer quadrant a white opaque elevated mass, irregularly oval in shape and about 4 P.D. in greatest diameter. It did not reach to the limit of the ophthalmoscopic field. Near this mass, but entirely separate from it, were two small white spots each about ¼ P.D. in size. The patient was