High-temperature hardness of Ga1−xInxAs

Substantial solid‐solution strengthening of GaAs by In acting as InAs4 units has recently been predicted for an intermediate‐temperature plateau region. This strengthening could account, in part, for the reduction of dislocation density in GaAs single crystals grown from the melt. Hardness measurements at high temperatures up to 900 °C have been carried out on (100) GaAs, Ga0.9975In0.0025As, and Ga0.99In0.01As wafers, all of which contain small amounts of boron. Results show a significant strengthening effect in In‐doped GaAs. A nominally temperature‐independent flow‐stress region is observed for all three alloys. The In‐doped GaAs shows a higher plateau stress level with increasing In content. The results are consistent with the solid‐solution strengthening model. The magnitude of the solid‐solution hardening is sufficient to explain the reduction in dislocation density with In addition.