Hamartoma of CNS Associated With Precocious Puberty

• A male infant had precocious puberty and hamartoma of the CNS. Signs of puberty appeared and progressed from 6 months of age. A computed tomographic scan disclosed an interpedunculary tumor. A craniotomy was successfully performed at 1½ years of age, and 90% of the tumor was removed. Histologically, the tissue was identified as a hypothalamic hamartoma. Pubertal development stopped. The patient is now 4 years 9 months old and well. Review of medical literature covering a span of 47 years showed 50 cases of hamartomas in or near the hypothalamus confirmed by surgical exploration or autopsy. The male-female ratio of hamartomas with precocious puberty derived from these data is 2:1. Convulsions, mental retardation, or behavioral disorders were present in 48% of the cases; 36% had precocious puberty. (Am J Dis Child 1983;137:127-133)