Electron microscopy of drawn polypropylene

Extremely thin polypropylene films formed by evaporation of dilute solutions floating on water, thin films deposited on Mylar or on carbon‐coated Mylar, and bulk samples were deformed; after etching with aqua regia or chromic acid, the surfaces were studied by electron microscopy of surface replicas. At small draw ratio, microfibrils with lateral dimensions of about 200 Å, originating in micronecks at crack boundaries of the original crystal lamellae, were obtained in isolated areas exhibiting maximum local strain separated by large regions of much less deformed material. With increasing draw ratio the necked regions grow, the old structure gradually being reduced to smaller and smaller islands until it disappears completely. The inhomogeneity of strain in adjacent bundles of microfibrils creates a great many longitudinal voids with more or less disoriented microfibrils bridging the gaps. The regular arrangement of crystalline blocks of rather uniform length and width can be occasionally seen on surface replicas of drawn samples, and much better on dark‐field electron micrographs of drawn and annealed thin membranes. In the latter case the blocks are very uniform and have similar dimensions along and perpendicular to the axis of the microfibril. The evidence from the electron micrographs, together with previous small‐angle x‐ray scattering data, supports Peterlin's molecular model for plastic deformation of crystalline polymers.