Observation of Fano-Resonances in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

We have explored the low-temperature linear and non-linear electrical conductance $G$ of metallic carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which were grown by the chemical-vapor deposition method. The high transparency of the contacts allows to study these two-terminal devices in the high conductance regime. We observe the expected four-fold shell pattern together with Kondo physics at intermediate transparency {$G\alt 2e^2/h$} and a transition to the open regime in which the maximum conductance is doubled and bound by $G_{max}=4e^2/h$. In the high-$G$ regime, at the transition from a quantum dot to a weak link, the CNT levels are strongly broadened. Nonetheless, sharp resonances appear superimposed on the background which varies slowly with gate voltage. The resonances are identified by their lineshape as Fano resonances. The origin of Fano resonances is discussed along the modelling.

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