Incontinent Epispadias: Surgical Treatment of 38 Case

We review 38 cases of surgically corrected incontinent epispadias with a followup of 5 months to 18 years. In 20 cases the Leadbetter, in 8 the Tanagho and in 8 the Young-Dees techniques of bladder neck reconstruction were used. Of 3 patients with minimal (15 to 25 ml.) bladder capacity the Arap procedure was performed in 1, while small constriction of the bladder neck to improve the bladder capacity and compliance was done in 2. In 1 of the latter patients a 60 ml. capacity was achieved and a secondary Leadbetter operation provides an excelent result. Continence was attained after the initial operation in 18 patients, followup is too short to determine the result in 3 and 15 did not acquire urinary control. Revision of the bladder neck plasty was performed in 11 patients, which resulted in continence in 4 and partial continence in 2. Among 34 patients with an adequate followup 22 (73.3 percent) are continent and 8 (26.4 percent) are incontinent. The results were similar with the 3 techniques.