There is compelling evidence that Aedes aegypti distributes small numbers of eggs among many sites, and that this "skip oviposition" is a driver for dispersal. The behavior is compatible with published results of mark-release-recapture studies, although many of these have been interpreted as evidence for limited dispersal. Skip oviposition also extends the duration of the gonotrophic cycle, the key parameter in the use of parous rates to estimate physiologic age. In addition, contact with multiple oviposition sites was probably a factor in the remarkable success of "perifocal" treatments with DDT in the campaign to eradicate Ae. aegypti from the Americas and the mobility of the vector probably limits the efficacy of attempts to suppress dengue transmission by source reduction and "focal" treatments with aerosols. Innovative approaches that exploit or negate this behavior may be required before effective Ae. aegypti control can become a reality.