Geodetic measurements of plate motions across the central Gulf of California, 1982‐1986

A trilateration network was set up in early 1982 by a team of French and Mexican institutions across the central part of the Gulf of California in order to study the plate boundary related movements in this transition area between the San Andreas fault system and the East Pacific Rise. The reobservation of this network in March 1986 provides a first set of data on the present day deformations in this area. Both surveys used AGA8 Laser geodimeter measurements between 11 stations located on elevated points of Baja California and Sonora and on the islands between the peninsula and mainland coasts. Deformation patterns during the 1982‐1986 interval, obtained through three different methods indicate mainly a right lateral shear movement in the Gulf axis direction N46°W. Between Baja California Peninsula and Angel de la Guarda Island 17 ± 4 cm of dextral slip occurred. Between the coast of Sonora and the central islands of the Gulf the mean displacement amount to about 23 ± 12 cm. In the southwestern part of the network, weaker movements seem to have occurred, and are smaller than estimated errors. This may indicate either that the boundary is locked in this part or is deflected towards the ESE. These results, which give an estimation of the relative plate velocity of 8 ± 3 cm/a, are consistent with the generally accepted relative movement between North American and Pacific plates (about 6 cm/a).