Effect of hole-induced shakedown in the Auger spectrum of lanthanum

It is shown from the M4,5N4,5X (X=O1,O2,3,N6,7) Auger emissions of La metal, La2 O3, and LaF3 that the 4f hole pulled down below the Fermi level by the 3d core hole in La metal is significantly populated before Auger decays take place. This extra relaxation mechanism by the N4,5VV Auger process from conduction electrons gives important contribution to the intensity of the M4,5N4,5N6,7 Auger emission. The amount of this contribution can be calculated by existing theories on the shakeup or shakedown satellites on the La 3d core-level x-ray photoemission spectra (XPS) of these La compounds, and the results are found to be consistent with our experimental data. The criterion for the importance of this hole-induced shakedown process in the initial state of Auger spectra is determined, and the implications of this finding on other spectroscopies are discussed.