Sterility of Drosophila with Mutations in the Bloom Syndrome Gene--Complementation by Ku70

The Drosophila Dmblm locus is a homolog of the human Bloom syndrome gene, which encodes a helicase of the RECQ family. We show that Dmblm is identical to mus309 , a locus originally identified in a mutagen-sensitivity screen. One mus309 allele, which carries a stop codon between two of the helicase motifs, causes partial male sterility and complete female sterility. Mutant males produce an excess of XY sperm and nullo sperm, consistent with a high frequency of nondisjunction and/or chromosome loss. These phenotypes of mus309 suggest that Dmblm functions in DNA double-strand break repair. The mutant Dmblm phenotypes were partially rescued by an extra copy of the DNA repair gene Ku70 , indicating that the two genes functionally interact in vivo.