Autotransfusion in aortic surgery: The Haemocell System 350 cell saver

Autotransfusion was performed during elective abdominal aortic reconstruction in ten patients using the recently developed Haemocell System 350. A mean of 60 per cent of total blood loss was salvaged, and during operation each patient was autotransfused 1 unit. Good preservation of cellular components, including platelets, was seen after processing with the device, which uses a vortex mixing filter for cell separation. There was no evidence of coagulopathy; mean free plasma haemoglobin levels were slightly raised (17 mg/dl) and plasma heparin concentration was negligible (0·10 units/ml) 4 h after surgery. A transient drop in plasma fibrinogen levels and the appearance of fibrin degradation products in low concentrations (mean 1·5 mg/l) were seen. Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curves showed the salvaged red blood cells to have a normal affinity for oxygen. Renal and hepatic function remained unaltered and there were no complications attributable to autotransfusion. The device was easy to handle and a trained operator was not required.